Fisher Family Genealogy
Matches 1 to 50 of 3,757
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1 | (VII) BRIGADIER-GENERAL JOHN THOMAS WILDER. son of Reuben and Mary (Merritt) Wilder, was born at Hunter Village, Greene County, New York, January 31, 1830, and died at Jacksonville, Florida October 20, 1917. Internment was in Forest Hills Cemetery, Chattanooga, Tennessee. As a boy he served as an apprentice draftsman in a millwright plant at Columbus, Ohio, later establishing his own foundry and mill at Greensburg, Indiana. By the time of the outbreak of the Civil War his business was a success and his products were sold in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Virginia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. He was member of the Democratic party when the war commenced, but decided that he would support the Union cause and had two six-pound cannon cast in his foundry. In May, 1861, he organized a light artillery for the first three-year regiment recruited in Indiana, which was mustered into service as Company K of the 17th Indiana Infantry, with Wilder as captain. June 12, 1861, he was appointed by Governor Oliver P. Morton lieutenant-colonel of the 17th Indiana Volunteer Infantry and was advanced to colonelcy the following year. His command first saw service in West Virginia and was with Buell’s army in the second day’s battle at Shiloh. It was after this that he was given command, as senior colonel, of a brigade which served at Munfordville, Kentucky, and in the Tullahoma campaign in Middle Tennessee. In June, 1863, when Hoover’s Gap in the Cumberland Mountains was held by a strong Confederate force to give Bragg’s main army time to fall back toward Chattanooga, Wilder’s brigade forced the gap open and pursued its defenders when they retreated. As a result of the engagement the command came to be known as “Wilder’s Lightning Brigade.” It was composed of the Indiana and Illinois infantry regiments, but differed from other infantry commands in that his men were equipped, at the insistance of Wilder, with the then new model Spencer repeating rifles, and its troopers were mounted. Cist, the historian of the Army of the Cumberland, wrote in 1897, to President McKinley: “General Sheridan told me just after the battle of Chickamauga that he would rather have Wilder’s military reputation than that of any other man in the service.” On August 6, 1864, Wilder was brevetted brigadier-general in recognition of his services. Resigning from the army in October, 1864, he removed to Chattanooga, Tennessee, and took part in leading the development of natural resources around that city. He founded the Roane Iron Works and built one of the first blast furnaces in the South. In 1870 he established a rail mill at Chattanooga, and was also active in the promotion and construction of the Charleston, Cincinnati & Chicago railroad. For himself and his associates he acquired about half a million acres of iron and coal lands in Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee, and built the Carnegie furnace at Johnson City. He was mayor and postmaster, at Chattanooga, pension agent at Knoxville, and commissioner of Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park. He was a member of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, and an honorary member of the Iron and Steel Institute of Great Britain. President Benjamin Harrison asked General Wilder to serve as his Secretary of War, but he refused. Brigadier-General John Thomas Wilder married (first), May 18, 1858, Martha Jane Stewart. (Stewart III.) He married (second), in 1904, Dora E. Lee, of North Carolina, whose father was a captain in the Confederate Army. | WILDER John Thomas (I355)
2 | 1910 federal census of parents family indicates Willis deceased prior to census date of May 10, 1910. | PENSINGER, Willis (I1061)
3 | 73, cannot read or write | Agnes (I317)
4 | ""Mrs. Margaret Ann Hoskins was born at Fort Madison, la., on November 5th, 1843..." Note census data shows she was born in Illinois. | MURRAY, Margaret Ann (I1964)
5 | "...John F. Wager, retired United Brethren church minster, who died Wednesday night at his home, 217 Union..." | WAGNER, John Fohl (I1933)
6 | "...Mrs. Elizabeth Wagner, who died Sunday at the home of her step-son, B. O. Wagner, 414 Mechanic..." | TURNER, Elizabeth (I1937)
7 | "...Mrs. Fred K. Murray...who died at 3:35 o'clock Wednesday afternoon of last week at the age of 48 years....Mrs. Murray, the wife of a prominent Knox County horse breeder and owner of fine stock, died in a Kirkville hospital, where she had been three days, of a complication of diseases. She was failing for some time, quite ill three weeks and seriously so the week before her death." | BOWAN, Sally (I798)
8 | "...passed away at home of her daughter, Mrs 0. B. Fisher at one o. clock on Sunday morning, April 2, 1927, aged 68 yeard 18 months and 18 days. She had been enjoying the best of health and cheerfully doing her work and earning her livelihood till within a few days of her sudden death....On Thursday she was stricken with appendicitis which in spite of careful nursing and medical care terminated all the cares and labors of her long and busy life." | HARDY, Martha Jane (I1781)
9 | "...says she and her husband are prospering on the farm in Missouri. They are moving this month to a bigger and better farm than the one they had heretofore." | BISSELL, Blanche (I949)
10 | "...says she and her husband are prospering on the farm in Missouri. They are moving this month to a bigger and better farm than the one they had heretofore." | REYNOLDS, Sherman (I951)
11 | "...she married W. H. Craig 21 Apr 1878." | Family: CRAIG, William Henry / FISHER Emma Jane (F592)
12 | "...they will reside on a farm near that city (Macomb)." | Family: FOLEY, Orval Henry / BISSELL, Violet Irene (F561)
13 | "...until coming to Blandinsville where be lived until bis death May 3, 1923. His illness was over a year's duration and thee last few weeks his sufferings were intense..." | LOCKETT John Thomas (I813)
14 | "A short and impressive funeral service was conducted at the home on Monday by Rev. Stafford of the M. E. church, after which the re-mains were taken to Americus for interment in the old home cemetery. The remains were accompanied by a number of friends from this place, besides the relatives." | CRAIG, Alta Belle (I1892)
15 | "A son of Floyd and Mariah (Charter) Foster, the father a native of Michigan, the mother, born in Kentucky, Charles Edward Foster was born on June 10, 1869 in Hire township." | FOSTER Charles Edward (I722)
16 | "Abel Fisher who has been sick for some time had a sinking spell Tuesday and is worse than he has been." The beginning of Abel's health declining to his death in 1924? | FISHER Abel (I73)
17 | "After funeral services. which were held Wednesday at 10 a.m., the remains were taken Novelty and laid to rest by the side of his former wife (Eliza) and only child (Francis Marion) who preceded him several years ago." | FISHER Matthias (I101)
18 | "After moving with her parents to Illinois, she wes married in 1866 to David M. Cowser." | Family: COWSER, David M. / HOBBLE, Rebecca Isabelle (F600)
19 | "After years of invalidism, Mrs. John Daugherty, aged over eighty-two years, died at her home at Brownville, Sunday, May 7, 1911." | FISHER Margaret Phoebe (I178)
20 | "AMERICUS - Albert Joseph Craig, 95, retired painter and carpenter, died Friday. Service 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Roberts-Blue-Barnett Funeral Home, Emporia." | CRAIG, Albert J. (I1889)
21 | "AMERICUS-McPherson Craig, who had lived in Americus since he was a child, died Monday evening in Newman Memorial County Hospital, Emporia." | CRAIG, McPherson J. (I1887)
22 | "Andrew J. Cowser, 28 South Congress St., a resident of Emporia since 1931, died Sunday morning in Newman Memorial County Hospital." | COWSER, Andrew Jesse (I1918)
23 | "April 10, 1881, she was married to F. J. Wagner." | Family: WAGNER, John Fohl / TURNER, Elizabeth (F603)
24 | "Arther M. Fisher, youngest son of Thomas and Mary Fisher...died of consumption about three o'clock in the morning of May 9, 1897." | FISHER, Arthur M. (I75)
25 | "Arthur Craig was born in Americus and at the time of his death lacked only a few months of having attained his 21st birthday." | CRAIG, Arthur W. (I1890)
26 | "Arthur Craig was in the government employ, working on a freighter at Portland. Ore (accident actually occurred in Astoria, OR). He was crushed when some cases of salmon fell on him, and received Internal Injuries which resulted in his death." | CRAIG, Arthur W. (I1890)
27 | "Artie B. Wagner, who lived at 119 South Washington, died Tuesday evening at 6:05 o'clock in St. Mary's hospital (Emporia, KS)" | WAGNER, Artimus Benjamin (I1927)
28 | "As Sally Ann Bowen, the sixth child of John A. and Nancy Bowen, Mrs. Murray was born southwest of Novelty near Hazel Dell March 26, 1885, and was a lifelong resident of Knox County." | BOWAN, Sally (I798)
29 | "As Sarah Josephine Higgs, a daughter of Joseph and Jane Higgs, Mrs. Murray was born at New Castle, Pa., Jan. 16, 1847, following the death of her father on Aug. 26, 1846." | HIGGS, Sarah Josephine (I790)
30 | "As Sarah Josephine Higgs, a daughter of Joseph and Jane Higgs, Mrs. Murray was born at New Castle, Pa., Jan. 16, 1847, following the death of her father on Aug. 26, 1846." | HIGGS, Jospeh (I241)
31 | "Aunt Jane as everybody knew her by that name, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1818, January 15th..." | FISHER, Jane Iona (I191)
32 | "Aunt Jane Botts celebrated her 88th birthday Monday, the 15th." | FISHER, Jane Iona (I191)
33 | "Aunt Jane Botts, whom we mentioned in our last as having her collar bone broken, continued to grow gradually worse until death...October 1st, 1906, at 3 a.m." | FISHER, Jane Iona (I191)
34 | "Born Aug. 13th, 1884, at Harveyville, Craig was the son of William H. and Emma J. Fisher Craig." | CRAIG, McPherson J. (I1887)
35 | "Born July 14, 1863, in Adams County, Illinois, as Sarah Ellen Arment, a daughter of Martin and Rebecca Arment, she came to Missouri as a child and has lived in the Locust Hill community ever since." | ARMENT, Sarah Ellen (I1145)
36 | "By request her funeral was held in her home by a Reverend Collins, who preached a fitting sermon from the text "And She Hath Done What She Could." | MURRAY, Mary Jane (I1962)
37 | "Charles Monroe Murray, a son of Hiram and Nancy Murray, was born near West Point, Lee County, lowa, May 11, 1858." | MURRAY, Charles Monroe (I1148)
38 | "Cremation arrangements are being handled by Owyen Funeral Home. Inurnment will be at Island Center Cemetery." | ANDERSON, Ralph Waldo (I2001)
39 | "Dearest Mother: You no doubt wili be surprised to hear of me being in Ireland. We left Boston, Mass., May 5th and after fourteen days steady traveling we landed at Cork, Ireland, and from there we went to Queenstown." | FISHER, Paul Vernon (I221)
40 | "Death came Monday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Wheeldon, after a lingering illness during which time he was a patient sufferer. The funeral services were held at the daughter's home Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock conducted by Rev. D. A. McCullough, pastor of the Auburn Methodist church, and the remains were laid to rest in the Brownville cemetery." | DAUGHERTY John Allen (I179)
41 | "Death came on Thanksgiving Day to Mrs. George Foster, on the (one of) the Blandinsville community's oldest residents. She was nearly 91 years old and for the past several weeks had been ill at her home a mile southeast of town." | CREASEY, Mariah Adeline (I1081)
42 | "Death came to Charles Edward Foster, 73, retired Blandinsville farmer at his home here at 8:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 23, 1942. His passing came as a result of a stroke of paralysis suffered just twenty-four hours before." | FOSTER Charles Edward (I722)
43 | "Death, which for weeks had been approaching steadily and relentlessly, came Saturday morning to Norman McKeown at his home in the south part of town....A normally healthy, happy young man who was making his way in life, he noticed a year or more ago a lump growing in his neck. He was busy, and put off a trip to the doctor. When he did go at last the physicians did not know what was wrong, and vital time was lost. At last, when it was too late, they announced that it was cancer. It was a bleak outlook, but Norman did not give up. Aided by a host of his friends here he went a few weeks ago to Mayo Brothers at Rochester, Minnesota. There he was examined and treated by the best specialists of the country, and they sent him home with renewed hope. But it was false hope. From the day of his return he declined steadily and rapidly." | McKEOWN, Norman A. (I1002)
44 | "Deceased had been poorly for a number of years hut not seriously so until the past ten days." | FOSTER Ruthwin Floyd (I89)
45 | "Deceased was born in Michigan in 1837..." | FOSTER Ruthwin Floyd (I89)
46 | "Della Darlene Powell, 74, of 615 N. Campbell St. died at 11:10 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 4, 1997, at OSF Saint Francis Medical....She formerly worked at St. Francis Hospital in Macomb and then worked at McDonough District Hospital for 21 years, retiring in 1988. She was a member of the 10 Year Club at McDonough District Hospital and Macomb Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. She also was a member of First Baptist Church of Macomb for more than 40 years, its Coats Circle, its General Missionary Society and its Friendly Sunday School Class." | FISHER, Della Darlene/Darlyne (I223)
47 | "Died at her late residence in Blandinsville. Ill., Saturday, April 24. 1887, Nancy Jane Burgess Craig, aged 71 years and 9 days....For several years Grandma Craig has been in failing health for some time seemed gradually nearing life's journey end." | BURGESS, Nancy Jane (I1899)
48 | "Died.- March 21, 1882, at her residence, six miles west of Wa-Keeney, Mrs. Margaret Wagner, wife of Rev. John Wagner, aged 34 years, 1 month and 2 days. Death resulted from heart disease." | SMART, Margaret (I1934)
49 | "DILL, Arthur W., 75, of 420 S. Lawton Ave. died Saturday." | DILL, Arthur W. (I1908)
50 | "DILL-Archie Preston, 67, 1426 North Phoenix. Passed away Monday." | DILL, Archie Preston (I1907)